On earth, politicians are known for many things, one of which is not being truthful.
They pride themselves on avoiding questions, telling part truths, part untruths and openly lying.
As a consequence people have little respect for politicians, mostly dismissing what they have to say.
When a crisis occurs, such as the Corona virus, it is politicians who decide on the rules imposed on society and politicians who tell the public what is right for them to do.
They announce the rules and updates in a strong assertive tone, expecting people to believe them. When people don’t, they get affronted and angry.
They do not realise that what they are saying to the public is, I have never been totally honest with you before, but now I am, so you must believe me.
Unfortunately for them, they have been untruthful too often for people to suddenly accept their veracity.
In the short term politicians should not announce rules and updates on the Corona virus. If such a person exists, they need to find someone who the public trusts to make such announcements.
In the long term they must begin a new life of being honest with the public so that when a future crisis occurs, they might be believed.
From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual