Sunday, 29 March 2020

Crazy Horse on politicians who cried wolf.

On earth, politicians are known for many things, one of which is not being truthful.

They pride themselves on avoiding questions, telling part truths, part untruths and openly lying.

As a consequence people have little respect for politicians, mostly dismissing what they have to say.

When a crisis occurs, such as the Corona virus, it is politicians who decide on the rules imposed on society and politicians who tell the public what is right for them to do.

They announce the rules and updates in a strong assertive tone, expecting people to believe them.  When people don’t, they get affronted and angry.

They do not realise that what they are saying to the public is, I have never been totally honest with you before, but now I am, so you must believe me.

Unfortunately for them, they have been untruthful too often for people to suddenly accept their veracity.

In the short term politicians should not announce rules and updates on the Corona virus.  If such a person exists, they need to find someone who the public trusts to make such announcements.

In the long term they must begin a new life of being honest with the public so that when a future crisis occurs, they might be believed.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual 

Crazy Horse on fear leadership

Cultures raised on institutional fear are prone to be receptive to accepting leadership by fear in their adulthood from political leaders.

This is because such people have never, of their own accord, formed a strong and enduring belief system.  Rather they have led their life with the same fear instilled belief system of others.

Thus when a political leader, in a situation of significance, uses fear to get people to obey, such people do so and pass that fear onto others, which can become aggressive.

People with a set of belief systems, formed through their own choice, do not react well to fear leadership, dismissing it, losing respect for a political leader using such a tactic.

This causes a divide in society with the fear mongerers being critical of those with their own belief system.

What fear leaders do not realise is that the more they inspire fear to get their way, the more people, even those raised on it, begin to reject the message and openly disobey.

Fear leadership has never worked, except in the short term.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Sunday, 22 March 2020

Crazy Horse on human contact

The illness afflicting the world will pass, until the next one comes.  History shows that no matter how many vaccinations man creates, nature shows her dominance by throwing up another illness.

Illness ravages the body and in some cases it is able to be helped by vaccinations.

Illness also ravages the mind, which is unable to be helped by vaccinations.  The mind is cleared through kindness, acceptance, understanding, love and often with specialist help from another human.

The ravages of the mind long outlast the ravages to the body.

To get their mind right, humans need other humans.  Any attempt to stop humans connecting
with other humans, can for a short time, help the body, but will further damage the mind.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Sunday, 15 March 2020

CrazyHorse on an unintended outcome of the Corona Virus

Aside from human suffering and death, the worst effect of the corona virus pandemic is that it is causing humans to lose trust in each other and to isolate from each other.

This dropping of sharing of energy will have a more devastating long term effect on the development of man than any other virus effect.

Regardless of the real origin of the virus, one of the outcomes is meant to show people how connected to each other they are and how they need to rely on each other.

This lesson from the virus is being lost because of the use of fear in spreading messages.  Fear drives me thinking, not we thinking.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Friday, 13 March 2020

Crazy Horse on what is irrelevant

In the living of life, nothing is irrelevant.
 What is generally considered to be irrelevant is something that does not directly impact upon your life at a point in time.
Over time, all that happens and has happened, becomes relevant at a point in time.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual