Sunday, 20 October 2019

Crazy Horse on making a country great

In a country where a political leader has a slogan of ‘make this country great again ‘ and then sets about lying, acting for personal advantage, disowning key staff when they get into trouble following the leaders instructions; then that political leader does not understand what great means.

They can only think that great means economically.  Economics never make a country great, it only supports a country to remain great.  Great is in the values of the nation and the people.

When a leader wants to make a country great, but their actions are causing this to never be able to happen under their stewardship, they must be replaced.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Crazy Horse on Uluru (part 2)

The crescendo of protest increased over their inability to be able to climb on the sacred site of the indigenous.  The tourists did  not understand how the Indigenous could turn their back on the tourist dollar.

Herein lies the chasm between an Indigenous race and non indigenous.

If in a culture the most sacred thing is money, they can never understand a more advanced culture who hold many things above money, including their spiritual beliefs.

Until this is learned, the evolution of non Indigenous cultures will continue to be slow.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Wednesday, 9 October 2019

Crazy Horse on Uluru Australia

To the indigenous people, Uluru is a sacred mountain in the desert of northern Australia.  It is a significant energy source within Australia.  It is on land owned by the Indigenous.  Uluru is similar to Bear Butte in America which is a sacred site for the Indian.

For a long time Uluru has been climbed by tourists, that is, non indigenous.  When ownership of Uluru passed to the Indigenous, this right was allowed to continue.

Uluru is a sacred site for a number of reasons including what the indigenous recognise as Spiritual energy.  It is a place where they connect to the spirit of their ancestors.  It is part of the identity of the indigenous.

They have decided to withdraw the right for people to climb Uluru, bringing criticism from non indigenous.  Is their decision justified?

Few non indigenous people claim to climb Uluru to feel and be a part of the indigenous culture.  It is seen as another tourist thing to be seen to have done.

The indigenous feel their sacred site is being disrespected.  It is.

Non indigenous have few natural sacred  sites and little understanding of them.  Their sacred sites include churches and cemeteries.  They do not allow people to climb their churches or walk over graves.  It has probably not crossed their mind to do so.

Why then is it seen as acceptable to climb on an indigenous sacred site.  It can only be because the indigenous site is seen as unimportant to non indigenous, that is second rate.  This is blatant racism.

If the indigenous believe their sacred site is being disrespected and it is; they are entitled to stop people climbing the site.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Wednesday, 2 October 2019

Crazy Horse on flawed political leaders

What do you do about a political leader whose judgement is so flawed it acts against the national interest?

Do nothing in the short term for their actions will have them remove themselves.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual