Sunday, 31 March 2019

Crazy Horse on no noise time

In your world of technology, not only is the art of communication reducing, so too is no noise time.

No noise time is where you are left with your thoughts, uninduced by external sources.

This time can be where the environment is quiet or loud such as a cafe, but you do not have anything playing in your ears.

It is in this time that you can collect your thoughts, prepare yourself for what is to come and find a self peace.

It is these moments which allow you balance.  Your inner voice is more powerful than external voices.

When you walk you do not need your ears filled with music.  When you drive it is the same.

Savour the time that is yours for your private thoughts and self voice.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Sunday, 24 March 2019

Crazy Horse on when a political leader must go.

A person holding a position of great responsibility, including a country’s political leader, can only be effective when respected.

In the world today few country political leaders are respected by their constituents.  Generally such people are voted out at the first opportunity, whilst their initial appointment remains a blight on the effectiveness of the political system at play.

When a country’s constituents begin to openly declare their lack of respect, then both the country and their political leader are in great trouble.

Lack of respect is shown in comments such as openly and consistently calling their leader a liar, dumb, mentally unwell and dishonest.

When this point is reached the people only have disdain for the political system and the whole process of government is put at risk.

Ei5er the political leader must resign or convention must be cast aside and the country needs rescuing by someone who will cause the political leader to go.

It is simple.  Is the political leader more important than the country.?

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Sunday, 17 March 2019

Crazy Horse on the prime cause of mass murders

The amount of hate required to commit mass murder of a group of people peacefully following their Spiritual beliefs, is unimaginable.

To commit this act, the person was devoid of any good will, committed, with others, to a cause of wiping out a sector of society.  Every single act of good will given to this person throughout their life, has been discarded. Every act of love, rejected.

The person was seeking joy through other’s sadness.

The person who did this is a beacon for what not to be. Cast him aside now and focus on removing hate from your lives.  It is the only way to ensure there is not a repetition.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual

Sunday, 3 March 2019

Crazy Horse on charities

The proliferation of charities on earth is a direct result of the lack of communities.

People in need will appreciate help more from a person in their community, than from a faceless organisation.

Find a person in your community in need of something, physical or emotional and give it to them.

Earth was meant to work with people helping people, not people giving to organisations so that they can help people.  Organisations do not collect kindness and distribute it, nor time, nor doing an odd job for a neighbour.  They trade in money, which will solve the least of people’s problems.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual.

Crazy Horse on listening aids

There is on earth an invention to help those with hearing problems to hear.  They are called hearing aids and the increase the volume of noise into the ear.

Do not confuse these with listening aids, for hearing aids do nothing to help people listen.

There is no physical invention for listening aids, but there is something available on earth to help.  It’s called tolerance. All poor listeners lack tolerance.

To feel listened to is one of the great gifts one person can bestow upon another.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Director Sphinx Spiritual