Monday, 14 September 2015

Crazy Horse on helping other countries

Where a country has an international perspective in their policies, but they only have it so as to increase their own dominance, it is a sleight of hand.

Helping others so as to gain a bigger advantage for themself, is as bad as isolating themselves from the rest of the world.

From my guide, Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium and spiritual teacher.

Crazy Horse on world peace

Economically, every country is interdependent with each other. Notwithstanding this, when a country's economy is doing well the political leaders take the credit.  When it is going bad, they blame world affairs.

So it is with world peace.  Every country is interdependent with each other.  No longer can it be accepted that political leaders treat the needs of their own country over the needs of the world.  Where a political leader speaks of their country needing to be isolated from the problems of the world the populace must speak back.

The tide is turning, less and less is there a place on earth for political leaders whose vision is either non existent or insular.

From my guide, Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium and spiritual teacher.

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Crazy Horse on good and bad energy

The only way to change the darkness in your world is for people who are good to integrate into the dark parts of the world bringing light and positive change.

Why is it believed that people with negative energy will lower the energy of those with positive energy.  It is the reverse.  Positive energy is more powerful than negative energy and Always will be.

All of this argues against segregation, including segregation through border control.  The idea of a country with good energy hiding itself from the rest of the world so as to preserve itself is silly, short sighted, small minded, selfish and put into place by people more interested in self grandiosement than betterment of the world.

From my guide, Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium and spiritual teacher.

Thursday, 3 September 2015

Crazy Horse on refugees

In my time, when my people were destroyed by the greater weapons of war of the American white man, we were herded into reservations, which are the equivalent of your modern day refugee camps.

It is inhuman and abhorrent behaviour.  Set them free into new countries where they can belong, though with a merged culture.

Every country in the world who actively or passively  supports the bombing of these countries, is dutibound to take the refugees into the bosun of their countries.

What an opportunity for a political leader to be other than small, by telling their people that as a citizen of earth it is their duty to help on a wholesale proportion and help they will.

How much better it would be to have history record a leader as a humanitarian, rather than small, narrow and selfish.

From my guide, Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium and spiritual teacher.