Monday, 27 July 2015

Crazy Horse on intent

If you categorise a person as simple you are making a dumb mistake.

All people, no matter what their intellectual status, are capable of deep thought, cunningness, manipulation.

It is their intent which determines their thoughts and actions.

From my guide, Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium and spiritual teacher.

Crazy Horse on your best

Never mind the rest, just do your best.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium and spiritual teacher

Monday, 20 July 2015

crazy Horse on stages of growth

When you begin a pathway of growth, there will be many markers on the way, where you can continue to grow or stop at the marker.

The markers are events in your life and are not put there to cause you to stop, but to reflect and choose the level of growth you want.

A bad choice is not to stop growing, but to be dishonest with yourself and the world as to,why you have stopped.

From my guide, Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium and spiritual,teacher.

Crazy Horse on status quo

Because you are leading your life with good intent, trying to show the way to others, do not expect others will see that and be grateful.
In living differently to others you are exposing to them where they are at.  Some will see it and change, most will see it and not be grateful that you have exposed their life to them, thus challenged their status quo.

From my guid, Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium and spiritual,teacher.

Monday, 13 July 2015

Crazy Horse on renegades.

In my time, if a person or group of people did not want to live the way of the tribe for the betterment of all, they were asked to leave the tribe, not to return.  Their behaviour over a period of time meant that they had chosen this but not enacted it.

In going alone they were free to make whatever choice they wanted to and live with the consequences.

If a country takes actions which demonstrate they do not want to be part of a wider solution to the advancement of earth, set them free to be alone, to make their own choices and live with the consequences.

In my day they were called renegades.  The tribe always benefitted from their absence.

People and people in countries should be free to make their own decisions.  If the cost of those decisions is too great to the whole, then allow them to learn for themselves, by themselves.

From my guide, Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium and spiritual teacher

Crazy Horse on science

The science of man is formidable, but do not see it as the means of all discovery.  Science needs to be pointed. The knowledge to help the earth lies beyond the earth. As this knowledge becomes more readily known and understood, then science will use that knowledge to take the earth to new places.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium and spiritual teacher

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

crazy Horse on being a misfit

A fish out of water either  symbolises a person who is a misfit or someone who has created a great innovation and everyone around has yet to catch up to them.

From my guide, Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium and spiritual teacher.