Monday, 28 April 2014

Crazy Horse on great change

After great change, follows insecurity.  This insecurity is caused when fear of how it will all work out enters the mind.  In turn this leads to withdrawal.
To overcome this, follow great change with great change and continue this until the fear subsides.

From my guide, Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium and spiritual teacher.

Crazy Horse on oneness

You can only become a great horse rider when you become as one with the horse, rather than seeing yourself as sitting on top of the horse.

Great relationships only reach that state when you are as one with your partner.  When you feel and act separately to your partner, the relationship is, at that point, in trouble.

From my guide, Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium and spiritual teacher.

Crazy Horse on spiritual growth

The pathway of spiritual growth is a journey alone, for the benefit of others.

From my guide, Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium and spiritual teacher.

Monday, 21 April 2014

Crazy Horse on emotions

Teach the children, young and old, 'sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will hurt me forever'.

From this realise it is the emotional damage that makes you sick, physical injury only makes you indisposed.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium and spiritual teacher

Crazy Horse on aloneness

Aloneness is a state of rejecting all of the energetic help available on earth as well as the spiritual world, as you become consumed with the difficulty of earth's journey.

Life on earth cannot be lived fully without understanding both your physical and spiritual obligations.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium and spiritual,teacher.

Monday, 14 April 2014

Crazy Horse on certainty

The future of earth is uncertain only while man stays the same.  The change man seeks lies outside of himself, not within.  If you want certainty on earth, change the way you deal with each other.
Changes in technology are meant to make the physical hardships of life easier to deal with, so there is more opportunity take internal change.  In ignoring this internal change, you are stagnating.

From my guide, Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium and spiritual teacher.

Monday, 7 April 2014

Crazy Horse on dishonest leaders

Where a leader states that it is naive of people to think you can exist in a leadership role without being political, that is their  way of justifying their own lack of leadership.

Without adding to the values of those who they are charged to lead, they have not lead, just filled a position.

It is time to demand values from leaders, starting with honesty.  History should only recall people holding a leadership position and who were dishonest in that role, as dishonest.

Dishonesty relates equally to intent and communication as it does to property.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium and spiritual teacher

Crazy Horse on great leaders

As you look to the sun for guidance as to direction, you feel a great trust that the sun is positioned where it Is meant to, there are no false suns to worry about and it's guidance is consistent and accurate.

Throughout time on earth, there have been many leaders who have affected the course of the lives of many, but how many have been great leaders?

Where a leader has been consistent, acted as a beacon for guidance of others, not shown any duplicity and has inspired great trust from others, only then can they be counted as a great leader.  Of the few fitting this criteria, all have high values.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium and spiritual teacher

Crazy Horse on growth

As you grow in life, make sure you share what you have learned through your growth, otherwise you will end up evolved and alone.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium and spiritual teacher

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Crazy Horse on self mutilation

The aches and pains of the body are a reminder of battles endured during life, whether those battles were physical or emotional.  With the passage of time,those aches and pains are enough for the body to carry without any additional aches and pains caused by self mutilation, whether physical or emotional.

From my guide, Crazy Horse, through Ian a Rogers, medium and spiritual teacher.