Monday, 27 January 2014

Crazy Horse on the stages of wisdom

We taught our children of love, beauty of nature and animals and an appreciation and respect of nature.  We taught them to play, to ride a horse for the pleasure and fun and to appreciate the beauty of colour.  After that we began to teach them of hunting, of survival, of fighting.  It was at this point their wisdom diminished, for they began to look at life through a filter of conflicts for survival.

It was only later in life, in the role of grandparent that they returned to their highest state of wisdom, when they became the teachers of the young, teaching of love, understanding and respect.  Therefore, a higher state of wisdom only exists when we see life and it's problems through the eyes of love, beauty, appreciation, joy, sharing and respect.

It is sad that when Man thinks he is at his most wise, he is often at his least wise.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers, medium and spiritual teacher

Monday, 20 January 2014

Crazy Horse on belief in a higher power

If someone truly believes there is no higher power, they will struggle with meaning, purpose and belonging.  Passing will hold no fear, for there is no accountability. Their social conscience will be small and they will be recognised by their selfishness.
Few are actually like this, for whilst many state they do not believe in a higher power, only a very few act in support of that belief.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium and spiritual,teacher.

Crazy Horse on growth

The rules of living as set by society generally tell you what you cannot do.  Herein lies the trap. In order to grow, never tell yourself what you cannot do, tell yourself what you can do.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium and spiritual teacher.

Crazy Horse on the effect of your life

As you live your life, think less of the effect of your life today, think more of the effect of your life after you have passed.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers. Medium and spiritual teacher