Sunday, 16 June 2013

Crazy Horse on stealing someone's heart

Humans have learned to decry those who would steal from them.  They have especially learned to decry those who would steal items that are precious to the owner, such as jewellery or items of family significance.
When are you going to learn to decry to the same degree those who would steal another person's heart through lies and subterfuge.  The effects of this will be forever, and will rear their head every time a victim is facing a new relationship.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium & spiritual teacher

Friday, 14 June 2013

Crazy Horse on awe

Awe is a state of being when a person finds themself observing something or someone so great that it is beyond their earthly comprehension of what is possible.
You are given this opportunity on rare occasions in your life to inspire you to greater things in order to partially recreate the feelings generated by awe.  When it is true awe the feelings generated are always positive, uplifting and bringing a feeling of immense beauty.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers, medium & spiritual teacher

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Crazy Horse on Recalcitrant

A person who is recalcitrant is someone whose ego insists they keep making the same mistakes because they know more than their life's lessons spirit is trying to teach them.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium & spiritual teacher.

Monday, 10 June 2013

Crazy Horse on Caution.

You are taught caution as part of your upbringing and at other times to 'throw caution to the winds'.  You have met and copied cautious people.  What then is caution and what role does it have in the life of  people.  Caution is a fear , uncertainty and insecurity about what you are doing in your life.  You are uncertain of where it will lead, fearful of the potential outcomes.  Humans are instinctive beings, with the ability to tap into past knowledge (intuition) which allows to form a feeling that what you are doing is right for you.
When you have this feeling and you should not be taking actions unless you do, caution is redundant.  It has no place in your life.  Insecurity will cause you to doubt your intuition and be cautious.  This will only hold you back.  If it feels right, act with alacrity.

From my guide, Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers, medium and spiritual teacher.

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Crazy Horse on Avoiding

'When I take everything into account, the light of my life does not burn brightly enough'.  If this statement applies to you it is because you are avoiding.  This avoidance will be the things in your life that are difficult, ones in which you might at first fail or render you helpless, so you avoid them.

To avoid them is to live in mediocrity.  This is acceptable only if you want your state of being to be mediocre.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium & spiritual teacher

Crazy Horse on Convenience

In connecting to your past knowledge (intuition) in order to make decisions about the now, convenience has no relevance.  In other words, subliminal actions will not take into account convenience.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium & spiritual teacher