Sunday, 22 December 2013

Crazy Horse on Creativity

Creativity is the food feeding the craving for contentment

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium & spiritual teacher

Crazy Horse on process

Process was designed by the rich for the poor, to make sure they stay poor.

From my guide, Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium & spiritual teacher

Crazy Horse on growth

Own who you are.
Promise yourself to become who you are meant to be
The problem with broken promises is a lack of commitment
Shared commitment is a lack of intent
Intent is the integrity of your decision
Commitment is the desire to overcome obstacles
Help yourself to the pool of resources within
Credibility is opting out of a foolish decision
Knowing yourself is a commitment to your purpose
Save time in your busy schedule for more discovery
Only a fool comments on the purpose of others
You can tell when you are committed, you are content
Commitment + credibility = Portent
Let pretenders begin the race first
Your aim should be to help, not please

Let the new year begin!

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium & spiritual teacher

Monday, 16 December 2013

Crazy Horse on choosing a leader

When choosing a leader look to their vision, their purity of purpose,their integrity, their level of embellishment, their self acceptance and their determination to see it through, no matter the personal cost

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium and spiritual teacher

Crazy Horse on the courage needed for peace

Peace takes far greater courage than war.  This does not relate to the braves fighting a war, it relates to the leaders who instigate a war because it is the easier option for them.  It is only when so called international leaders can find the courage to bring a peace to earth, that we can expect people to try to do the same in their own lives.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium and spiritual teacher

Crazy Horse on internal peace

You cannot create peace around you until you have created it within you.  Internal peace is not found through avoidance, but confronting life and being at peace with what life then delivers.  Creating a false calm is avoidance.  Peace in the storm is real peace.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium and spiritual,teacher.

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Crazy Horse on sharing your feelings

If you want to shout your anger, then shout it as loud as you want down a well so that it is confined to the well.
If you want to shout your love, then shout it to the four winds, so that it is carried all over the world.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium & spiritual teacher

Monday, 2 December 2013

Crazy Horse on disagreement

If you believe in something strongly, there will be a person who will disagree strongly.
The problem arises when one becomes angry at the other person because of their belief.
If you love passionately, you are only wanting to love someone who can love as passionately.
You do not get angry at people who cannot love as passionately.
So it is with beliefs.  A person with a strong belief ought express it only so it can reach like minded and like energy people.  It is not the right of one human to set about to stop the beliefs of another because they do not accord with their own.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium & spiritual teacher

Monday, 25 November 2013

Crazy Horse on parenting

Parenting is one of the great joys of life on earth.  It requires a fine balance between guiding, caring, loving, nurturing and protecting, without taking away from the choice and free will of the child.  Parenting is meant to be a reward for the parent and a gift for the child.

As you can see, parenting is the model for leadership.  In looking for a leader, look at their parenting. Great leaders will also be great parents.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium and spiritual teacher

Crazy Horse on change

Change is the process of unravelling something set by another for you, so you can see how it works and improve it so it better suits you.

If this makes sense to you, then you will understand that there are few universal truths.  Such truths exist as a framework for individual adaptation.

Those who would say, 'if it is not broken, do not fix it' are declaring their acceptance of mediocrity, for all things need changing to best suit you.  This is the way of life.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium and spiritual teacher.

Crazy Horse on apathy

Political leaders who will not share all of the truth with their constituents, do so for fear of being blamed.  Any political system should never allow this.  The public should cry out and demand the truth.  The cost of no truth should be public shaming and removal from office.

It is apathy stopping public outcry.  Apathy is the enemy of progress.  Do not accept from political leaders what you would not accept from your child.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers.  Medium and spiritual teacher

Crazy Horse on posturing

Political leaders who posture in matters of importance,whether that be internal or international, are simply displaying a disguise .  They are masking a fear and rather than admit the fear, they posture.  This ensures the situation will not be fixed, just covered up.  The same applies in a relationship.  Eventually all of the suppressed emotions spill over to ill effect.

This method of operating is devoid of wisdom.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers.  Medium and spiritual teacher

Monday, 18 November 2013

Crazy Horse on leadership of countries

A country has lost its way when it treats it's people unequally.
An appointed leader of a country stops being a leader when their main interest is self interest or party interest.  In doing this they are not serving the people.  The outcome is a country which loses its way.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium and spiritual teacher

Crazy Horse on enough

Peace only comes with the understanding and acceptance that we have enough

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers medium and spiritual teacher

Monday, 28 October 2013

Crazy Horse on being free

The removal of falseness in your life will not bring you freedom because there is such limited freedom on earth, but it will make you free.

From my guide CrazyHorse through Ian Rogers, medium and spiritual teacher

Monday, 14 October 2013

Crazy Horse on the journey to freedom

As Humans it is both natural and accepted that you will challenge the behaviour and beliefs of those around you, commencing as a child with your parents. This allows you a greater latitude of behaviour.

What is less common and less acceptable is to truly challenge your own behavioural limits and beliefs.  To do this is the beginning of the removal of self imposed limits, limits that are emotional and mental,not physical.

Once you get onto the pathway of removing your own limits you are on the road to freedom.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium & spiritual teacher.

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Crazy Horse on the Moon

The brightness of the moon lights up the darkness of the night sky and the brighter the moon the more people are drawn to it.

In the darkness of energy on earth, the moon displays its energy to help humans.  At full moon it is awash with energy, with this being the highest energy time, hence the time we are most able to use the moon's energy to propel us out of darkness.  The new moon is the time of the moon's  lowest energy, therefore the time it has the least impact on earth.

Hence, one of the functions of the moon is to provide a constant flow of energy to help us through difficult times, with the two weeks leading up to the full moon being a time of increased energy on earth and the two weeks after the full moon being a time of reducing energy.

This is one of the reasons we took our time by the moon.  Another reason was that it was a constant reminder that the influence of the Great Spirit was permanent.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, Medium & Spiritual Teacher.

Monday, 30 September 2013

Crazy Horse on Faith

When humans are in a time of personal darkness, love dissipates in their life. You either come to accept that state of being or begin to desire the return of love.  When this desire starts, you will feel the beginnings of change, but you will not be able to see how it will turn out. 

This is where faith comes into your journey.  Having felt the change, but not being able to see what it means, it takes faith to keep going along the loving path as for many it is easier to remain in darkness, just because what it holds is known.

From my guide Crazy Horse  through Ian Rogers, medium & Spiritual teacher

Monday, 23 September 2013

Crazyhorse on, going with the flow

The river makes its way to its destination by following a pathway of least resistance.  Where there is a blockage to the flow of the water it moves around it.  The mantra of the river is that the water must flow on.  To be on the river floating down is to go with the flow.  This is fine if you want to go exactly where the river takes you.

For a human to want to go with the flow is to only desire getting to the end of this life with the least resistance.  Humans meet boulders of resistance which is often karma and if not then it is an opportunity to learn this life.  Each time resistance is encountered it will challenge your values. Getting to the end point of a journey is not as important as standing firm on your principals, which means overcoming the resistance

Going with the flow is not a suitable mantra for humans and certainly not for humans who desire growth.  There is much more to your life than living to die.

From my guide Crazyhorse, through Ian Rogers, medium and spiritual teacher

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Crazy Horse on Guilt

I was once an Indian.  As you know I am not now, I am an entity in spirit and as is the custom in the spiritual world, identify myself by my last life.  However, there is much mankind can learn from the way of the Indian.

When a child was born to one of my people, it is true they were told stories of the deeds of their ancestors from which they could learn, but what they learned from the stories was up to them.  When it was time to have a vision quest, we did not dictate what each brave could expect from the quest, that was up to them.  In ways such as this each person set their values for life from within the broader values of our community as passed down through stories.  For example, I did not believe or practice a lot of the rituals of the Indian people.  This made me different, but still an Indian and accepted as me.

By being allowed this type of freedom, there was little to no guilt in us for choosing our own way.

White man is more instructional (which they believe to be equated to discipline) than the Indian was.  You are told what to do and punished for not doing it.  This goes to the family, school and cultural environments.  Therefore, there is very limited exploration of your own values as a child, more a mindless following of what is taught so as to avoid punishment.

This brings on a mindset of being wrong or naughty if you do not follow exactly what you have been taught to do.  This causes guilt.

Therefore, society is teaching people to dispassionately follow a creed set down for them by others without any reference to their own needs.

When this is varied from it is frowned upon by many and guilt follows.  Guilt is redundant and disappears from a person's life only when they truly form their own values and identity and follow them passionately.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers, Medium & Spiritual Teacher

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Crazy Horse on self harm

He who would misquote another, deliberately set out to hurt them, malign their reputation, without giving them the opportunity to defend themselves, is the architect of their own disaster.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, Medium & Spiritual Teacher

Crazy Horse on failing relationships

When a relationship is failing and one party begins to blame external sources, herein lies the problem, a lack of personal accountability for their role.

It is a day of grief when a relationship finishes, it should also be a day of learning.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, Medium & Spiritual teacher.

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Crazy Horse or life's journey choices

When a person's life is progressing well, they feel they are on track and they are enjoying feelings of love and fulfillment and they come to a point where the journey will take them into a non loving, negative and combative stage; stop and reconsider.  Do you really need to lose what you have in order to enter into a non loving dark period of your life.  The reasons for continuing are so rarely about growth and mostly about power and possessions.  Where this is the case, take another path and hold onto your love and fulfillment.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium & spiritual teacher

Monday, 12 August 2013

Crazy Horse on laziness in a relationship

A relationship is in difficulty when one of the people in the relationship relies on the other one to do what the first person is equally capable of doing.  This is laziness and will stop the independence of one partner and the growth of the other.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers medium & spiritual teacher

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Crazy Horse on time

Time is an eternal gift to be used wisely.  Time can be spent wisely at leisure and pleasure.  Time can be well spent in pain.  It can only be wasted in avoiding.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium & spiritual teacher

Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Crazy Horse on a Fool's errand

A fool's errand is when a person pours all of their love and energy into another person, when the only outcome is going to be hurt and rejection.

Each person on earth only has so much energy and time available to them.  Use it wisely and to where it can provide the most benefit.

From my guide, Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium & spiritual teacher

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Crazy Horse on domestic animals

It is known and widely accepted that domestic animals teach humans about love.  What is less known is that these same animals improve the general state of happiness of their owner.  This happens as the acts of the animal take the human back into the good times they had as a child up to and including the age of 8.  In reliving these good times, the state of being of the owner is uplifted.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium & spiritual teacher

Monday, 15 July 2013

Crazy Horse on interaction

Were humans truly interactive with each other, minds would not play a part, it would all be based on feelings.

From my guide, Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium & spiritual teacher

Crazy Horse on stability

Stability is a form of existence learned as a child and acts as a glass ceiling thereafter.

From my guide, Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium & spiritual teacher

Crazy Horse on clarity

Clarity is an ordered mind, delivering a message in an orderly manner, expressing the sentiment of the heart.

From my guide, Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium & spiritual teacher

Crazy Horse on wisdom

Wisdom is never learned, it is earned.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium & spiritual teacher

Sunday, 16 June 2013

Crazy Horse on stealing someone's heart

Humans have learned to decry those who would steal from them.  They have especially learned to decry those who would steal items that are precious to the owner, such as jewellery or items of family significance.
When are you going to learn to decry to the same degree those who would steal another person's heart through lies and subterfuge.  The effects of this will be forever, and will rear their head every time a victim is facing a new relationship.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium & spiritual teacher

Friday, 14 June 2013

Crazy Horse on awe

Awe is a state of being when a person finds themself observing something or someone so great that it is beyond their earthly comprehension of what is possible.
You are given this opportunity on rare occasions in your life to inspire you to greater things in order to partially recreate the feelings generated by awe.  When it is true awe the feelings generated are always positive, uplifting and bringing a feeling of immense beauty.

From my guide Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers, medium & spiritual teacher

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Crazy Horse on Recalcitrant

A person who is recalcitrant is someone whose ego insists they keep making the same mistakes because they know more than their life's lessons spirit is trying to teach them.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium & spiritual teacher.

Monday, 10 June 2013

Crazy Horse on Caution.

You are taught caution as part of your upbringing and at other times to 'throw caution to the winds'.  You have met and copied cautious people.  What then is caution and what role does it have in the life of  people.  Caution is a fear , uncertainty and insecurity about what you are doing in your life.  You are uncertain of where it will lead, fearful of the potential outcomes.  Humans are instinctive beings, with the ability to tap into past knowledge (intuition) which allows to form a feeling that what you are doing is right for you.
When you have this feeling and you should not be taking actions unless you do, caution is redundant.  It has no place in your life.  Insecurity will cause you to doubt your intuition and be cautious.  This will only hold you back.  If it feels right, act with alacrity.

From my guide, Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers, medium and spiritual teacher.

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Crazy Horse on Avoiding

'When I take everything into account, the light of my life does not burn brightly enough'.  If this statement applies to you it is because you are avoiding.  This avoidance will be the things in your life that are difficult, ones in which you might at first fail or render you helpless, so you avoid them.

To avoid them is to live in mediocrity.  This is acceptable only if you want your state of being to be mediocre.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium & spiritual teacher

Crazy Horse on Convenience

In connecting to your past knowledge (intuition) in order to make decisions about the now, convenience has no relevance.  In other words, subliminal actions will not take into account convenience.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium & spiritual teacher

Monday, 27 May 2013

Crazy Horse on deviousness

If people believed in deviousness, why is it that it is only practised on others, never themselves.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium & spiritual teacher

Crazy Horse on the secret of growth

In the journey of moving from who you were expected to be into who you are, the secret of ongoing growth is to speak your truth.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium & spiritual teacher

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Crazy Horse on the truth

The truth is the disinfectant you use to pour on the open sore caused by lies, half truths and self serving versions of the truth.
The truth will only heal until the sore is reopened by another lie.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium and spiritual teacher.

Friday, 26 April 2013

Crazy Horse on who you associate with.

It is not so much that you are judged by your associates, as you are judged by the energy of your associates.
If your essence is as a loving person and you associate with a person/s too long who is/are tense, in need of feeling powerful, angry and who readily judges others; it is only a matter of time before that energy infiltrates yours at a cost to your loving energy.  When you take on their tension and negativity, you become diminished, for they are not trying to learn from you, but to change you to be like them.
At such a time recognise that you cannot help them, that there are others in real need of your energy and move on.

From my guide CrazyHorse, through Ian Rogers, medium & spiritual teacher.

Monday, 8 April 2013

Crazy Horse on permanence.

Action inspires hope.
Faith inspires courage.
The battle of life inspires resilience.
Together they inspire permanence.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium and spiritual teacher.

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Crazy Horse on Anger in a group situation

One of the causes of anger in a group situation is when you feel people around you are doing better than you are in your life.  This causes a need to change direction, either to try to improve your journey or to move away from people you perceive are doing well because you feel misunderstood. 

The anger arises when, in attempting to change direction, you feel swamped by the group's strong and positive energy and instead of moving along in the wake of that energy, you set out to fight it.  The reason you choose to fight it at that time is because you do not feel heard or understood about the difficulties of your life.

The solution would be to move in the wake of others energy, until you feel resilient enough to stand in your own stead and confident enough to add to the positive energy of the group.

From my guide, Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium & spiritual teacher.

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Crazy Horse on fitting in.

If you do not fit in with a group of people, whether that be work, social or family, it is for one of two reasons.

The first is that your energy is darker or lower than the others and energetically you find yourself rejected.

The second is that your energy is lighter or higher than the others and energetically you find yourself rejecting them.

Either way, to try to fit in where there is an energy mismatch is futile and can only result in disappointment and pain.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, Medium & Spiritual Teacher.

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Crazy Horse on forgiveness

The building block of spiritual growth is to understand the concept of judgement.  It is the right of a person to judge themselves and only their right.  This means that a person does not have the right to judge another.

If you cannot judge another, then you cannot forgive them, for to forgive is to first judge.  Nor are you expected to remain in a state of void about the actions of others.  You ought accept what someone has done to you is their action for which they are accountable and if unacceptable, they will incur a debt for their action at a future time.  However, you are entitled to say that a person has taken a certain action against you, which you would not have taken.

This is not judgement, it is an observation.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium and spiritual teacher.

Crazy Horse on moving forward

One of the hardest things you have to do on earth is to move from the known into the unknown.  The only reason you would contemplate moving into the unknown is that the known is not serving you.
Still, people ponder and delay, in the hope that the known will become better and the unknown will become clearer.

The known will not change for no reason and the unknown will only become clearer when you move into it.  Life was never meant to be lived with the benefit of total clarity of what is ahead.  To delay a step into the unknown is to delay a step towards more fulfillment and upliftment.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, Medium and Spiritual Teacher.

Monday, 18 March 2013

Crazy Horse on hardship

Desire is one of the first casualties of hardship in life.  The greater and longer the hardship, the more desire is buried.
The way out of the hardship is to re create the desire.  What is it you really desire in life and what do you need to do to get it.

From my guide, Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers. Medium and spiritual teacher.

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Crazy Horse on being selfish

To kill an animal and to keep its head mounted on display is usually a monument to the ego of the hunter and a disrespect to the animal killed.  An animal will give its life for humans to survive, to eat and to keep warm from.  We honour and respect the animal for this and we make its energy a part of us forever.  In this way its energy lives on.  To kill an animal for display is not about honouring the animal, but honouring the hunter.  This is selfish.

To take from other people in order to show how powerful you are is also selfish and disrespects the other person's value.  This includes in relationships, where one person wants to control the other.  This is selfish behaviour and is only about honouring the person doing the controlling.

Where selfish behaviour occurs between two humans, there is no growth for either person.  The one being selfish chooses this as an outcome, the victim does not, unless they allow it to continue.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, Medium and Spiritual Teacher

Crazy Horse on being right

If you believe in the 'Might of Right', you might be right, but mostly you will be wrong.
Not only is being right only from your perspective, it offers nothing from which the other person can grow.

The 'Might of 'Right' ought only be used as a last resort.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, Medium & Spiritual Teacher.

Monday, 4 March 2013

CrazyHorse on upliftment

When life seems too hard, when tiredness overcomes you, when your purpose seems so in distinct, remove yourself, connect to your great spirit and seek out a level of energy higher than what is available on earth.  This will lift you above the low energy on earth, allow you to be above the energy others want to inflict on you and propel you to growth.
This is upliftment.

From my guide, Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium and spiritual teacher.

Crazy Horse on energy

The fire in the village warms all around it and it draws people to it.  Sometimes they want to just sit in silence around the fire and at other times it inspires them to share their feelings and thoughts.  The fire is very powerful.
The energy that is you acts just like a fire.  Just be careful you use your energy to attract and help, not to attract and burn.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium and spiritual teacher.

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Crazy Horse on dreams

Dreams are the pathway from who we are to who we are meant to be.

From my guide, Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, Medium &Spiritual Teacher.

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Crazy Horse on 'the crossroads of life'

When we come to a cross road in life we usually think that we have the option to go forward in one of two ways, only having to decide which way is best.  The reality is that a cross road is is an opportunity to go ahead in one of two ways or backwards in one of two ways, the way you came or another way!

In this way cross roads in life are a great challenge and test.  The greater the opportunity you are about to be presented with for growth in your life will always be equalled by great temptation to take an easier option and not progress.  The way you meet this test is life changing, either for the better or the worse.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, Medium & Spiritual Teacher