Monday, 23 July 2012

Crazy Horse on Leaders

Popularity is not the way of the Leader, it is the way of the weak.
Success is the way of the leader, success delivered again and again so that people believe in your power as a leader and want to be a part of it.

From Crazy Horse, my guide, through Ian Rogers, Medium & Spiritual Teacher

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Crazy Horse on emotions

If you want to do something to change the emotional wellbeing of people on earth, then begin to teach your children differently.

'Sticks and stones will break my bones and names will hurt forever'

From Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, Medium & Spiritual Teacher

Monday, 16 July 2012

Simple truths lead to simple love, simple love is the love of the wise.
Deviousness is the folly of those wanting to be clever, therefore at the cost of simple truth, therefore simple love.

From CrazyHorse through Ian Rogers, Medium & Spiritual Teacher

Crazy Horse on character

Character is built on the back of less self importance and more self belief.

From Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, Medium & Spiritual Teacher