Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Crazy Horse on Greatness

Greatness can only come following the removal of self imposed restrictions.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, Medium & Spiritual Teacher

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Crazy Horse on greed

The buffalo was brought back to the village from the hunt.  It was cut and divided and some saved for a ceremonial feast to honour the buffalo.  After the feast all had their bellies full.  One then went back for more meat to eat.  This is greed.

From Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers, Medium & Spiritual Teacher

Crazy Horse and the moon

With the new moon comes hope, with the full moon comes promise.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, Medium & Spiritual Teacher

Monday, 11 June 2012

Crazy Horse on equality

Within a tribe, many perform different tasks, such as hunting, washing, cooking, making clothes and weapons, teaching the young and caring for the sick.  For the tribe to survive and grow, all tasks must be performed and all are of equal worth to the tribe.  This is recognised and the work of each is celebrated at different times by the tribe.

It would be worthwhile for your organisations to remember this, for no one person in an organisation is of more worth than any other.  Where it is considered they are, inequality exists.

From Crazy Horse, my guide, through Ian Rogers, Medium & Spiritual Teacher

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Crazy Horse on Leaders

A person who holds a leadership position whose main aim is to retain the position is not a leader, just a person who has held a leadership position.

A leader is one who is determined to make a difference whilst in the position as leader, without regard to how long they hold that position.

From my guide, Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, Medium & Spiritual Teacher.

Crazy Horse on Peace

In the fiercest storm we should find the calmest mind.  The aim in life is not to find peace, for you can artifically create situations that are peaceful, therefore, it is no test.  The test of life is to find peace in the storm.

From CrazyHorse, through Ian Rogers, Medium & Spiritual Teacher

Crazy Horse on needs

When Crazy Horse was asked why the child walked before it could talk, he said it was because the child could already communicate, therefore, its most pressing need was to walk.  We always focus on what is our most pressing need.

From Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, Medium & Spiritual Teacher