Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Crazy Horse on Values

The only time that losing face matters, is when you lose face because you have not stuck to your own values.
If you lose face because you have not stuck to your values, then it is the personal embarrasment that matters, not the opinion of others.

From Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, Medium & Spiritual Teacher

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Crazy Horse on Spirituality

Crazy Horse states that Spirituality is firstly the amount of knowledge we have of how the Spiritual world actually works combined with the amount we are able to recreate that in our lives on earth.

From Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Medium & Spiritual Teacher

Sunday, 20 May 2012

Crazy Horse on Political Leaders

Crazy Horse says it is sad that we call Political Leaders, 'Political Leaders', rather than 'Leaders', in this way accepting a much lower standard of behaviour and leadership from them than we do, 'Leaders'.  Until we demand truth from them, we cannot expect them to behave as Leaders.

From Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, Medium & Spiritual Teacher

Crazy Horse on Parents

Crazy Horse says that we are given parents for one of two reasons: to learn from them what to do or to learn from them what not to do.  Unfortunately, most fall into the last category.

From Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, Medium and Spiritual Teacher

Monday, 14 May 2012

Crazy Horse on Wisdom

Crazy Horse says that the more evolved we are as an entity the more simply we can express ourselves.  Therefore, he says, 'Wisdom equals simplicity and ego equals complexity.'

From Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers
Medium & Spiritual Teacher

Crazy Horse on Confusion

When asked what confusion meant, Crazy Horse said, 'It is when ego overtakes logic'.  At these times we are in a state of confusion.

From Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers
Medium & Spiritual Teacher

Saturday, 12 May 2012

Crazy Horse on Fear

In his teaching Crazy Horse says that courage is only needed by people who have fear, for the courage is the tool to overcome fear.  He taught his people how to be as one with their Great Spirit and when they achieved this state of oneness, fear was absent.  In this state of no fear, the outcome of the event did not matter, to give of your best and honour your Great Spirit was what mattered.

By Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, Medium and Spiritual Teacher.

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Crazy Horse on Respect

The animal kingdom respects nature, taking from it only what it needs.  Within the animal kingdom, animals respect each other, taking only what they need.  The lion does not set out to kill the butterfly, for it has no need to, it respects the butterfly and its right to existence, even though it is vastly different to the lion.

Humans do not afford the same level of respect to each other, setting out to hurt, damage or destroy other people, both physically and emotionally, even though they do not need to.  If we were more respectful of the rights of each other to live in our own way, it would be a more harmonious planet.

Ian Rogers
Medium & Spiritual Teacher