Monday, 10 December 2012

Crazy Horse-Wedding message

As I look toward the rising sun at the break of a new day, I hear the sounds of my people stirring in their lodges, of the running river and the call of the early morning birds.

Each day as the sun rises, a new life begins, but because it happens every day, it is taken for granted.  The exception to this is when the new day holds the promise of something special, such as a marriage.  That day is looked forward to eagerly and its arrival is met with a sense of excitement.

For my people, just like you, a marriage was regarded as sacred and the union blessed by the great spirit.  My braves fought hard to win the heart of their squaw and those competing for the squaw had to express the depth of their love for her.

No man deserves the hand of a woman in marriage unless they are eloquently able to express their love.

When my people got married I told them that the greatest risk to their marriage was that it became like another new day to them, and they took it for granted.

For my friends, I wanted my people to know that if they fought hard for their squaw, they should fight just as hard to keep her.

At the rising of the sun each day, be excited, for it is a new day in which you can find something new about your squaw to love and that night you can express it with all of your feeling and eloquence and your squaw can do the same. 

A marriage is not a thing of convenience, it is the coming together of two people to help both themselves and each other find and achieve their purpose on earth through creating a bond between themselves and their great spirit.

In a great marriage any sacrifice made for the other one is done with pure joy.

My people were taught to be as one with nature so that their time on earth only added to nature.  This is my message.  ‘Be as one with each other and let your time together only add to the other one.’ 

Your greatest feelings of love for each other are yet to come as you both grow on your journey and as that love grows, so too does your inner peace.

I ask you to try with all of your hearts to arrive at the destination of full love at the same time.

From my guide, Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, Medium & Spiritual Teacher 

Monday, 19 November 2012

Crazy Horse on Hope

I wept for my people and their future and in weeping I felt my strength leaving.  I then knew that to remain in the weeping state I was of no use to them.  At these times I spent much time alone in the hills seeking messages about what I could do to help the future of my people.  I then tried to convey not only the messages to my people but also the energy they came with.  From these messages came action, from the action came hope.

This is what I want to pass onto you today.  The weeping state brings no hope, only action does.  Hope is an aspirational state beyond survival and is essential for the growth of people.

From Crazy Horse, my guide, through Ian Rogers, Medium & Spiritual Teacher

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Crazy Horse on Choice

In teaching of spirituality, that is, the knowledge of how the spiritual world works and how to apply that to living on earth, it needs to be remembered that all people are at different levels of evolution or growth.

Because of that, what is a truth to one person will not be a truth to another.  This needs to be respected and remembered.  That is why the teaching of spirituality cannot be done via a dogma.  A truth can be put before a person, but they must have the absolute right to reject it, for it does not fit there understanding of life from where they are at in their journey of wisdom.

It might be that in time they will accept it as their truth, but that is their choice to make.

From my guide, Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, Medium & Spiritual Teacher.

Crazy Horse on disputes

If truth is the first casualty of war, it is not because of progaganda, for the loss of truth in war does not begin after the war starts.

Wars only start because there has been a lack of truth between opposing sides.  Only in truth can disputes be resolved in the long term.

From Crazy Horse, my guide, through Ian Rogers, Medium & Spiritual Teacher

Crazy Horse on being Anonymous

Anonymousness is cowardice.  If you ascribe to a belief, give your name to it, if you do not, do not lend it credit by being associated with it.  To remain anonymous in supporting a belief is to not truly believe.  To remain anonymous when you disagree is to be too scared to defend your position, therefore leaving yourself defenseless and without credit.

From Crazy Horse, my guide, through Ian Rogers, Medium & Spiritual Teacher

Monday, 15 October 2012

Crazy Horse on Aspiration

The most important thing a person can do is to aspire.  This presumes the aspiration is positive.  To aspire is to dream, to imagine and in that state you should imagine a better world for yourself, which in turn means a better world for others.

If you are not a dreamer, then incorporate it into your life, if you are a dreamer, be proud of it.  Dreamers change the world and you live in a world in need of change.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, medium & spiritual teacher.

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

CrazyHorse on Negativity

Where a part of a stream is poisoned, you do not feed yourself from the fish living in that part of the river, for their poison will spread to you.

Where you are looking for a fresh start in your life, in order to move forward you cannot feed from people in your past who are emotionally poisoned.  Leave such people to themselves until they realise that they have to change or wilt.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, Medium & Spiritual Teacher

Monday, 8 October 2012

Crazy Horse on Cruelty to Animals

When a child is taught by their parent to hurt a household animal, feel sorry for the child, for they have just been taught to hurt those who love them.

When that same child becomes an adult and hurts one of their own household animals, do not feel sorry for them, for they have chosen to follow the teaching of the parent. When the cruelty to the animal  crosses over to humans who love them, feel sorry only for those who have been hurt.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, Medium & Spiritual Teacher.

Monday, 1 October 2012

Crazy Horse on a wise choice

When a person is raised to meet the expectations of others, it is difficult to change that state of being.  Hence when deciding on a course of action they can either choose a course that they believe will win the approval of others, or they can choose a course that they feel best suits themselves.

In this case, wisdom is the ability to choose a course that best suits yourself.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, Medium & Spiritual Teacher

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

CrazyHorse on worthiness

There are those on earth who look out into the darkness of life and want to make it brighter.  It is they who are worthy of support.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, Medium & Spiritual Teacher

Monday, 24 September 2012

Crazy Horse on Anger

Anger is a reaction to a feeling, it is not an original feeling.  It is normal to feel anger, it is the amount of anger we feel that makes a person abnormal.  A person's greatest need is to love and where they feel a lack of love, particularly in their childhood, they will feel rejected.  It is this rejection that feeds their anger throughout their life.  That is, whenever they feel rejection they feel anger, but it is an anger fuelled from childhood.

From Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, Medium & Spiritual Teacher

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Crazy Horse on being lost

The force of the wind left me speechless.  It was night and I was making my way back to my camp.  The storm on this dark night was fierce.  My head was lowered to protect my eyes.  The camp was many miles away.  I knew exactly where to go as the wonderful light of love that waited for me lit the sky with energy.

So it is in your life, you can always find your way back to those who love you, just follow their energy.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, Medium and Spiritual Teacher

Monday, 3 September 2012

Crazy Horse on Balance

In my quest for warmth, I felled a tree.  The tree was a gift from nature.  In felling the tree and accepting the gift,  I created an imbalance in nature.  The cost of receiving the tree from nature was to give back to nature in the form of energy or care.  In this way I received a gift of warmth and created a balance.  All gifts that are received need to be passed on in some way or another, thus creating balance or harmony on earth.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, Medium & Spiritual Teacher

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Crazy Horse on choices

When you come to a point in your life where you have a choice of directions you can take, do not study the signs pointing to the different directions to make your choice as this can only confuse you, for the signs will tell you nothing.
Rather, imagine all of the different options and choose the one that offers the highest energy and feeling of excitement and upliftment.  Your feelings can see further than your eyes.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, Medium & Spiritual Teacher

Thursday, 16 August 2012

Crazy Horse on great deeds

In order to great deeds for others, your first have to great deeds for yourself.  This enables you to be able to do great deeds for others.

From my guide, Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, Medium & Spiritual Teacher

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Crazy Horse on emotional burdens

A person full of deeply embodied negative feelings from their past will struggle to make any meaningful change for themself  by themself.  They will find self improvement to be a burden too great to carry forward and will revert to their negative state.

The way to help them is to give them the support they need to see that life can be much easier when they are heading in the direction of enlightenment. 

From my guide, Crazy Horse,  through Ian Rogers, Medium and Spiritual Teacher

Thursday, 2 August 2012

Crazy Horse on Love and Anger

Love and anger cannot co-habitate.  When anger enters, then for the time anger is present, love is absent.  Therefore, in the time you are angry at someone, you are not loving them.

From Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, Medium & Spiritual Teacher

Crazy Horse on Illumination

When a partner in a relationship is heading in the wrong direction and the other partner tries to illuminate a different pathway, you have the basis of a powerful relationship.

From Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, Medium & Spiritual Teacher

Monday, 23 July 2012

Crazy Horse on Leaders

Popularity is not the way of the Leader, it is the way of the weak.
Success is the way of the leader, success delivered again and again so that people believe in your power as a leader and want to be a part of it.

From Crazy Horse, my guide, through Ian Rogers, Medium & Spiritual Teacher

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Crazy Horse on emotions

If you want to do something to change the emotional wellbeing of people on earth, then begin to teach your children differently.

'Sticks and stones will break my bones and names will hurt forever'

From Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, Medium & Spiritual Teacher

Monday, 16 July 2012

Simple truths lead to simple love, simple love is the love of the wise.
Deviousness is the folly of those wanting to be clever, therefore at the cost of simple truth, therefore simple love.

From CrazyHorse through Ian Rogers, Medium & Spiritual Teacher

Crazy Horse on character

Character is built on the back of less self importance and more self belief.

From Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, Medium & Spiritual Teacher

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Crazy Horse on Greatness

Greatness can only come following the removal of self imposed restrictions.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, Medium & Spiritual Teacher

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Crazy Horse on greed

The buffalo was brought back to the village from the hunt.  It was cut and divided and some saved for a ceremonial feast to honour the buffalo.  After the feast all had their bellies full.  One then went back for more meat to eat.  This is greed.

From Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers, Medium & Spiritual Teacher

Crazy Horse and the moon

With the new moon comes hope, with the full moon comes promise.

From my guide Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, Medium & Spiritual Teacher

Monday, 11 June 2012

Crazy Horse on equality

Within a tribe, many perform different tasks, such as hunting, washing, cooking, making clothes and weapons, teaching the young and caring for the sick.  For the tribe to survive and grow, all tasks must be performed and all are of equal worth to the tribe.  This is recognised and the work of each is celebrated at different times by the tribe.

It would be worthwhile for your organisations to remember this, for no one person in an organisation is of more worth than any other.  Where it is considered they are, inequality exists.

From Crazy Horse, my guide, through Ian Rogers, Medium & Spiritual Teacher

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Crazy Horse on Leaders

A person who holds a leadership position whose main aim is to retain the position is not a leader, just a person who has held a leadership position.

A leader is one who is determined to make a difference whilst in the position as leader, without regard to how long they hold that position.

From my guide, Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, Medium & Spiritual Teacher.

Crazy Horse on Peace

In the fiercest storm we should find the calmest mind.  The aim in life is not to find peace, for you can artifically create situations that are peaceful, therefore, it is no test.  The test of life is to find peace in the storm.

From CrazyHorse, through Ian Rogers, Medium & Spiritual Teacher

Crazy Horse on needs

When Crazy Horse was asked why the child walked before it could talk, he said it was because the child could already communicate, therefore, its most pressing need was to walk.  We always focus on what is our most pressing need.

From Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, Medium & Spiritual Teacher

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Crazy Horse on Values

The only time that losing face matters, is when you lose face because you have not stuck to your own values.
If you lose face because you have not stuck to your values, then it is the personal embarrasment that matters, not the opinion of others.

From Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, Medium & Spiritual Teacher

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Crazy Horse on Spirituality

Crazy Horse states that Spirituality is firstly the amount of knowledge we have of how the Spiritual world actually works combined with the amount we are able to recreate that in our lives on earth.

From Crazy Horse through Ian Rogers Medium & Spiritual Teacher

Sunday, 20 May 2012

Crazy Horse on Political Leaders

Crazy Horse says it is sad that we call Political Leaders, 'Political Leaders', rather than 'Leaders', in this way accepting a much lower standard of behaviour and leadership from them than we do, 'Leaders'.  Until we demand truth from them, we cannot expect them to behave as Leaders.

From Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, Medium & Spiritual Teacher

Crazy Horse on Parents

Crazy Horse says that we are given parents for one of two reasons: to learn from them what to do or to learn from them what not to do.  Unfortunately, most fall into the last category.

From Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, Medium and Spiritual Teacher

Monday, 14 May 2012

Crazy Horse on Wisdom

Crazy Horse says that the more evolved we are as an entity the more simply we can express ourselves.  Therefore, he says, 'Wisdom equals simplicity and ego equals complexity.'

From Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers
Medium & Spiritual Teacher

Crazy Horse on Confusion

When asked what confusion meant, Crazy Horse said, 'It is when ego overtakes logic'.  At these times we are in a state of confusion.

From Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers
Medium & Spiritual Teacher

Saturday, 12 May 2012

Crazy Horse on Fear

In his teaching Crazy Horse says that courage is only needed by people who have fear, for the courage is the tool to overcome fear.  He taught his people how to be as one with their Great Spirit and when they achieved this state of oneness, fear was absent.  In this state of no fear, the outcome of the event did not matter, to give of your best and honour your Great Spirit was what mattered.

By Crazy Horse, through Ian Rogers, Medium and Spiritual Teacher.

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Crazy Horse on Respect

The animal kingdom respects nature, taking from it only what it needs.  Within the animal kingdom, animals respect each other, taking only what they need.  The lion does not set out to kill the butterfly, for it has no need to, it respects the butterfly and its right to existence, even though it is vastly different to the lion.

Humans do not afford the same level of respect to each other, setting out to hurt, damage or destroy other people, both physically and emotionally, even though they do not need to.  If we were more respectful of the rights of each other to live in our own way, it would be a more harmonious planet.

Ian Rogers
Medium & Spiritual Teacher

Sunday, 29 April 2012

Crazy Horse on the one secret to a successful relationship

Crazy Horse teaches that at the base of all relationship failures is one thing, the partners in the relationship have taken each other for granted.

He says it is in our nature to take things for granted.  We are taught to take for granted the coming of a new day, of breathing each breath etc, so it is natural to take people close to us for granted.

Find one thing in the person you are in a relationship to be thankful about each day and take a moment to be thankful.  In this way we can begin to appreciate our partner more, thus allowing the relationship a proper chance of working.

Ian Rogers
Medium & Spiritual Teacher

Crazy Horse on Perfection

On the topic of striving for perfection, Crazy Horse says that the energy on earth (being low) does not allow for perfection.  Nor do we come to earth to be perfect.  We come to earth to do a bit better than before and learn new things.  Hence, in order to both enjoy our life and allow ourselves to feel fulfilled, we need only to strive for improvement and growth.

Monday, 16 April 2012

Crazy Horse says that when two leaders set out to negotiate an outcome, both leaders need to be equally honest for an outcome to be achieved.  Where one is honest and the other is decietful, nothing is able to be negotiated, for the honest person will never be able to understand how to deal with the deceitful person.  The only outcome can be battle.

Ian Rogers
Medium and Spiritual Teacher
From the teaching of my guide Crazy Horse

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

12 April 2012  Ian Rogers.  Medium & Spiritual Teacher
I began my spiritual development in the 1970’s and for almost the past 25 years have had the pleasure of having an entity, who when last on earth was known as Crazy Horse, as my guide.
Our relationship is one of deep trust and the communication between us is continual.  His wisdom is immense and his ability to bring clarity to any topic never fails to amaze me.
We (my wife Pearl and I) do a significant amount of spiritual work, both with Crazy Horse and her guide Samuel Kristian Hahnemann.  We want to bring to you on an ongoing basis, some of the wisdom of Crazy Horse as applied to daily life:-
The telling of stories is a part of life and an important way to impart knowledge to others from our experiences.  Why is it, that almost always, those stories are of deeds we have done and so rarely of emotions we have felt and what they meant to us.
In telling of deeds done in the past, the intent is often to inspire others to do great deeds.  What if we moved the significance of the story from physical exertion to teaching about the importance of feelings and how they helped you each day on your journey.
In this way we will begin to give more credence and importance to feelings and teach others through our stories that great feelings are worth striving for as much as great physical deeds.